Monday, August 5, 2013

Remember When You Could...

This past week, I saw my Dad and he affectionately patted my "love banisters" (see love handles definition) and reminded me of the weight that new pastors can put on.

My problem is that i used to be able to do what's in the picture below. Let's face it the days of bench pressing 300 lbs. are gone.

1 comment :

  1. At 65, I am now beginning to struggle with aches and pains when I first awaken, and during certain activities, but I find when I am thinking of or doing something I truly love doing,I feel no pain.Many mornings, I awaken with a thought of something I want to get into, if only it would come daylight. On those mornings, I am pain free, and keeping busy doing the things I love to do,seems to keep my mind off of food.That helps, although I do understand what you're saying about wanting to keep in the best physical shape possible. It's definitely a struggle for some of us no matter how active we are..
